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Read an Excerpt from Serpents and Other Spiritual Beings

Serpents and Other Spiritual Beings is a collection of traditional Ojibwe/Anishinaabe stories transcribed directly from Murdoch’s oral storytelling, preserving the style and rhythm of the storyteller’s voice. These are stories of tradition, history, morality and object lessons, involving powerful spirit-beings in Serpent form. All of the stories appear in both English and Anishinaabemowin, with translations by Patricia BigGeorge. Murdoch’s traditional-style Ojibwe artwork provides beautiful illustrations throughout. Serpents and Other Spiritual Beings is the second book in the Ojibwe History Series by renowned Ojibwe storyteller Bomgiizhik Isaac Murdoch. Volume 1,The Trail of Nenaboozhoo and Other Creation Stories (2019), has been one of our best selling titles.

Serpents and Other Spiritual Beings is now available in e-book format!
Find it at the following links or wherever you buy your e-books.

Search for ISBN 9781928120391

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Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/ca/en/ebook/serpents-and-other-spiritual-beings

“’When the Thunderbirds and Serpents fight, they feed off each other, you know great medicine gets cast across the land. We get our life from that.’ So writes storyteller Isaac Murdoch as he shares his Elders’ stories about tunnels beneath the earth, rich laws, philosophies, teachings, power from up there, down there, and all around us, until we too hear the thunders as they bring us into the world of wahkotowin, all our relations. How privileged and blessed we are to be able to read the Ahtyokaywina of our people.”
—Maria Campbell, author of Halfbreed

“This writing gives an account of the reality of the Anishinaabe and how the elements of earth, water, air and fire play a sacred role and is bought to life by the language of the people, a language containing a depth of knowledge and blessed by our relatives KIISIS & TIBIIKI KIISIS.”
—PAWAMI NIKITITICIKIW (the Dream Keeper), Wilfred Buck, author of I Have Lived Four Lives

“What is that voice I hear in these stories? Resonant with memory, my body leans in to hear better. What is that voice? Why, it’s Granpa’s voice I heard as a child by the old stove so long ago. That well beloved voice that instructed us gently with feeling, wonder, and good humour and carried the stories into our lives so we could grow strong and upright. Miigwetch Isaac, for touching that quiet place in the spirit that, despite all this time and all that has happened, still knows, still remembers.”
—Bonnie Devine, Founding Chair of OCAD University’s Indigenous Visual Culture program.

“Gather around, for here are oral stories transcribed so they retain the flavour of a narrative spoken aloud, and translated into Anishinaabemowin; perfect for language-learners. I love the way these stories infuse the spirit world into an every-day context, these are not dusty old legends, but a living way of seeing the world around us in the here and now.”
—Nathan Niigan Noodin Adler, author of Ghost Lake


About the Author

Bomgiizhik Isaac Murdoch

Bomgiizhik (Isaac Murdoch) is from Nimkii Aazhibikoong First Nation. He is of the Fish Clan and is Ojibwe. He has four beautiful children. He currently lives in the forest at Nimkii Aazhibikoong, an Indigenous community that focuses on Indigenous language, art, and land based activities. Being blessed with the opportunity, Bomgiizhik grew up in the traditional setting of hunting and gathering on the land. Having spent many years learning from Elders, he spends a lot of his time as a Story Teller. Many of these stories become his visual art pieces which have become recognized world wide. Bomgiizhik is also a Singer Song Writer who loves to make music when ever he gets a chance. You will often find him on the land looking at his favorite plants or gazing into the beautiful night sky.

Bomgiizhik (revolving Sky) Nimkii Aazhibikoong njibaa. Giigoonhan doodeman. Ojibwe aawi. Niiwin gwenaajiwinjin wdaansan wda’aawaan. Nongo megwaa daa mtigwaakiing. Nimkii Aazhibikoong, Nishinaabekiing enaagdoot Nishinaabemowin miinwaa mzinbiigeng, ngoj-go-gegoo baa nankiing maakiing. Aapji gii-mnaabewzi, Bomgiizhik gii-bi-kogid, ghkendangwaa zhi-nishnaabe maadzid, gi-giiwse, gii-zgaktaaso, gegookiing edinang.Aashi gaa-bi-kenoomaagzid getsinjin gii-bi-ghkendmaad niibna nso-boon, miinongo maanda enakiid, aadsookewnini aawi. Niibnaa go kinda dbaajmowininan gashtoonanwii-mzinbii’ang ezhiwaambdvng, miidash gonda mzinbiiganag kina mziwi king ewaambjigaazjig. Bomgiizhik ge’e ngomwinan ezhtoojindo-ngamnan, miinwaa doo-zhibii’aanan. Aapji go bishgendaan maandqa nankid, pii gwa zhised. Naangodnong syaakyoojin waawaaskoneyan maage datganaabit oodi gnawaambdang gwenaajwinik, gwenaajwang dibik giizhik.

We are in special times. Never in the History of Humanity have we been faced with the challenges that we are now. Climate change is here and the World is changing fast. I truly believe that when we put our hearts together and unite for the Earth and people, we can achieve anything. When we lift up our people and recognize the strengths and gifts of others, we can be a force of nature. Together we will win!

Aapiji gwa naa nonggwa kina gegoo chi zhiwebat. Gaayii gwa wiikaa e`bemaadizit gii bi waabdaziin nonngwaa ezhiwebiziiying. Weyiip nonggwa gegoo bi aansemigat naasaap ge ezhiiyaamigak gojiing, eshkam ge bi wiizho`oomgat. Ndoo ndwetaan wiigwa, Iishpin kina mi maamiwiizing maanda ji da akiiminaa, ka shkitamaami gwa. Pii gaazimaaying Anishinaabek miinwaa ge ezhi maandaawshkewziwaad miinwaa ezhi zoongde`eyaad, aapji gwa ka zoongaabwiimi. Ka kinaagemi dash.

Serpents and Other Spiritual Beings


Ojibwe stories in Anishinaabemowin and English. Published October 2022.

Weight 299 g
Dimensions 21.5 × 14 × 1.3 cm
ISBN-13 9781928120353

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