Publish with Kegedonce Press!

Publish with Kegedonce Press!

Dedicated Indigenous Publisher Invites Manuscript Submissions. Kegedonce Press is seeking manuscript submissions from First Nations, Inuit and Michif/Métis creators based in the territories known as Canada. We are seeking submissions in the following categories:...
Cover Story: Through the Eyes of Asunder

Cover Story: Through the Eyes of Asunder

Neal Shannacappo writes about the serendipitous origins of the cover image for his debut poetry collection. “Aanii kina wiya! The art on the cover [of Through the Eyes of Asunder] was a serendipitous event that I discovered after one long night of inking some...
Welcome New Kegedonce Press Author, D.A. Lockhart!

Welcome New Kegedonce Press Author, D.A. Lockhart!

A warm Kegedonce Press welcome to acclaimed Lenape poet, D.A. Lockhart, whose newest poetry collection, Go Down Odawa Way has just been released! If you know anything about Indigenous poetry in Canada, then it’s a good bet that you have heard of D.A. Lockhart,...
The Krillian Key, One-Year Anniversary!

The Krillian Key, One-Year Anniversary!

It’s hard to believe it’s been a whole year, but here we are at the anniversary of the publication of The Krillian Key: Salamander Run, a graphic novel written and illustrated by Neal Shannacappo. The story, which is only the first volume in a planned series, is about...
Fall Back With Kegedonce Press!

Fall Back With Kegedonce Press!

This autumn, join us as we revisit some of our great back list titles. From groundbreaking fiction and outstanding poetry to gorgeously illustrated children’s books, Kegedonce Press has a back list of over fifty great Indigenous titles. This fall, we highlight select...