A warm welcome to new Kegedonce Press author Christine Miskonoodinkwe Smith, author of
These are the Stories: Memories of a 60s Scoop Survivor
Kegedonce Press is excited to announce the release of These are the Stories: Memories of a 60s Scoop Survivor by Saulteaux/Peguis First Nation author Christine Miskonoodinkwe Smith.
In this collection of auto-biographical essays, Christine tells the stories of her experiences in the child welfare system, including a failed adoption and her quest to find her birth mother. At the basis of these stories is the question, “Where is home?” Christine’s experiences express the lasting harm and trauma caused by the seizure of First Nations children from their homes and communities. While this is a story of the dreadful failures of the child welfare system, it is also a story of hope, as the author relates her journey towards healing. Reconnecting with her birth mother as an adult enabled her to feel complete, whole, and home.
To find out how to help Christine get the word out about her book, visit the launch page on her website!
For more information on These are the Stories: Memories of a 60s Scoop Survivor,
to read an excerpt, or to order your copy, click here!
Our thanks to the Toronto International Festival of Authors and Toronto Lit Up for
sponsoring this Book Launch!